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10 Prayers for Sunday School Teachers

Prayer in Every City Prayer Journal

  1. Lord, please. . .
    1. Fill me with Your Spirit and power to enable me to lead each of my students to Jesus Christ. Acts 4:31
    2. Convict my students’ hearts of sin and call them to repentance and salvation. John 16:8
    3. Show any sin in my heart which would hinder the Holy Spirit from using me. Psalm 66:18
    4. Prepare my students to be laborers of the harvest one day. Luke 10:2
    5. Give my students the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Eph. 1:17
    6. Allow the eyes of their hearts to be enlightened. Eph. 1:18
    7. Strengthen each student and teacher with power through Your Spirit. Eph. 3:16
    8. Root and ground each of my students in love and respect. Eph. 3:17
    9. Help each of my students to have humility, gentleness, patience and show tolerance for one another in love. Eph. 4:2
    10. Don’t allow anyone to deceive them with empty words and help them to stand firm when confronted with evil. Eph. 5:6


    In Jesus Name, Amen


For a free printable pdf of this prayer click here: 10 Prayers for Sunday School Teachers or click on the jpg10 Prayers for Sunday School Teachers
You can add this to your Family Photo Prayer Journal. To learn how to make a prayer journal, click here: Make a Family Photo Prayer Journal.

About Prayer in Every City (651 Articles)
This blog is dedicated to promoting Revival and Spiritual Awakening in America by encouraging readers to pray and develop a closer walk with Jesus.

9 Comments on 10 Prayers for Sunday School Teachers

  1. Reblogged this on Prayer In Every City and commented:

    This is my most popular post.

  2. Hi I was wondering if you could make “10 prayers for Sunday School teachers” into a downloadable bookmark I could buy and then print? And if so how much would it be? Would like to hand out at church. Thanks

  3. Ok great! Thanks!!

  4. Frank Bennin // March 5, 2017 at 10:24 am // Reply

    I have bn in kids ministry since 1988.
    Unto Such Children’s Ministry.
    It’s Christ- centred
    Holy Spirit-inspired
    Multi a denominational

    Out of the above came “Mothers Tears”
    A Network of Responsible praying Parents.

    It’s now a school for children aged from 2 years and above.

    Our address
    Unto Such
    Box 719
    Agona Swedru

    We need your prayer concerns to stand with you.
    We need Teaching & Learning Materials.

    “Godliness With Diligence”

    My name is Frank Bennin.
    Children call me,”

    • Frank, thank you for visiting Prayer in Every City. I apologize for taking so long to respond to your comment. I had surgery on my foot 2 weeks ago and have not kept up with the blog. Do your children speak English?

  5. Priscilla phylip // January 8, 2021 at 6:04 am // Reply

    Please I need the prayers sent to me through my email thanks.

  6. Priscilla phylip // January 8, 2021 at 6:09 am // Reply

    Please I need the prayers to be sent to me through my email am into children ministry I need the teachers teaching outline and activities for children. thanks.

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