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10 Prayers for Teens

10 Prayers for Teens updatedPray the following prayers for your teenage kids, grandkids and their friends. If you have a wayward child, do no give up hope. The “10 Prayers for Teens” is written directly from scripture, because God stands behind His promises. When you pray, find someone to pray with you, because there is power in united prayer.

George Mueller Inspiration
“One of the mightiest men of prayer of the last generation was George Mueller of Bristol, England, who in the last sixty years of his life (he lived to be ninety-two or ninety-three) obtained the English equivalent of $7,200,000.00 by prayer. But George Mueller never prayed for a thing just because he wanted it, or even just because he felt it was greatly needed for God’s work. When it was laid upon George Mueller’s heart to pray for anything, he would search the Scriptures to find if there was some promise that covered the case. Sometimes he would search the scriptures for days before he presented his petition to God. And then when he found the promise, with his open Bible before him, and his finger upon that promise, he would plead that promise, and so he received what he asked. He always prayed with an open Bible before him” – R. A. Torrey. The Power of Prayer. 1924 (P. 81).

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10 Prayers for Teens    

Lord, please . . .

  1. Guide my teen to choose his/her friends carefully. Prov. 12:26; 2 Cor. 6:14
  2. Encourage my teen to love You and not the world. Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15
  3. Persuade my teen to speak wholesome and encouraging words. Eph. 4:29
  4. Prevent my teen from living an immoral lifestyle. Eph. 5:1-3
  5. Direct my teen to seek your will in every decision. Matt:33-34; Prov. 3:5-6
  6. Convict my teen of any rebellion in his/her heart. Prov. 23:22
  7. Give my teen wisdom, knowledge, and open the eyes of his/her understanding. Eph. 1:16-18; Prov. 3:7
  8. Protect my teen from diseases and accidents. Ex. 15:26; Psalm 91
  9. Motivate my teen to be courageous and willing to take a stand even if he/she is the only one standing. Josh. 1:9; Psalm 94:16
  10. Inspire my teen to read Your Word. Psalm 119:16; Psalm 1:1-3
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This blog is dedicated to promoting Revival and Spiritual Awakening in America by encouraging readers to pray and develop a closer walk with Jesus.

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